Common Questions

Over the years we’ve probably heard every question you could think to ask. We’ve made a list so you can find the answers you need and hopefully decide to come and experience Hope City Church.

If by chance you have a question that’s not listed, contact us, and we would love to give you an answer.

  • What “kind” of church are you?

    Most people, when asking this question, are asking about style and denomination. Our church is filled with people of all different backgrounds, but as a church, we are strategically aligned with several organizations: the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and the Church of God based out of Cleveland, TN.

  • Is Hope City Church Pentecostal?

    The short answer is yes. We believe that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to believers today.

    Often, people who become a part of Hope City Church will say, "I feel something powerful every time I come." We have people who talk about crying during worship even though they don't typically cry, or they say, "When the pastor speaks, it feels like he is speaking directly to me." These are all attributes of a Pentecostal church. Without realizing it, people are admitting to experiencing the Holy Spirit.

  • Do you have to be a member to serve?

    We ask all of our volunteers to attend HopeU to make sure they have an understanding of our church and receive the training needed to serve. While some positions require membership and a background check, membership is not required for all volunteer positions.

  • What are your beliefs on sexuality?

    We believe the Bible clearly defines gender, marriage, and the role of sex as between a man and a woman within the commitment of marriage (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6, and Ephesians 5:31-33). We hold the orthodox Christian belief that any sexual act outside of that marriage commitment (homosexual or heterosexual) is sin.

    Jesus also taught that not everyone will marry and that life without a spouse or sex is possible if chosen for the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:11-12)

    As with every topic, issue, or belief, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend Hope City Church, whether they hold our same beliefs or not.

  • Do you have a mid-week service?

    Yes. We gather weekly on Tuesdays at 7pm for an hour dedicated to prayer and worship.