Our Values

While every church has a lot in common, we believe each church also has unique qualities, passions, and people that make them unique. Our values represent who we are and who we hope to be.

  • Prayer

    We are a praying church. First because Jesus told us to. He said, “My house will be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). But also, because we believe that real spiritual progress can only come from God. So we pray because we want to know Him, and we believe that he can do more in a moment than we can do in a lifetime.

  • Service

    We are a serving church. Jesus said that love is what proves we are His disciples (John 13:35). We serve on Sundays to help build the church, but we also partner with local non profits to make our city better. We believe that faith in Jesus doesn’t just change your heart, but it moves your hands too.

  • Suffering

    We are a church that suffers together. While everyone must endure pain in life, we believe that Christians have hope in suffering because we know that God is working everything together for our good in this life or the next (Romans 8:28). We want to be a church that can grieve, pray, and hope together.

  • Influence

    We believe that Jesus makes everything better—lives, families, and cities. So we unapolegtically want to influence as many people as we can to put their faith in Jesus Christ. We strive to be a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5:14-16) in our community that offers service, prayer, and resources.

  • Generosity

    We are a generous church. Jesus said that how you spend your money indicates what you love (Luke 12:34) so we give generously because we love His church and want it to flourish. It’s never about equal amounts but equal sacrifice.